That for the first time in CalWEAR’s existence, we have more pre-qualified homes with solid applications on file, than we do Weimaraners in our care who need new homes?!?!?!
By the numbers, we currently have:
5 dogs available for adoption
1 dog looking for a long-term foster home (owner was in car accident and currently hospitalized)
12 other dogs we are watching and working on
Since November 27, 2019, we have also collected 48 applications from families looking for Weims. This number excludes those who have already adopted or no longer looking. Of those 48 families, 29 of them are specifically looking for a dog under the age of two.
In short, if you are looking for a young dog, PLEASE BE PATIENT.
And consider adopting an older dog, like…
DIESEL!!!! Diesel is # 262 on our books. He’s nine years old. Turned over by his owner for being too obnoxious and too smart for his own good. I mean… look at that face!!!! That’s the glare of boy who knows how to pull cheese out of the dairy drawer that’s inside the refrigerator. No joke.
But seriously, if you’re looking for a young dog, we’d love to help you. Just hang in there with us and know that we’ll call you as soon as we have a dog that fits your search criteria, and those who have submitted their applications before yours, have been taken care of.
In the meantime, thank you for supporting rescue!!!
With love and gratitude,
- Team CalWEAR