7/8 9:54 PM UPDATE: Duke and Daisy may have an adoptive home lined up where they can stay together. We are currently speaking with interested families to make sure it’s a good fit for everyone. A big thank you to the CalWEAR village for networking to get these dogs get into their new homes!!!!!
DUKE and DAISY also need a new home, or two. Here is the message that comes with them:
Good Afternoon. I need to find a place for our 2 Weims. They are bother and sister, Duke and Daisy and will be 5 years old this week. Great dogs but unfortunately, our Duke has killed both our cats and my kids and my husband (along with myself) want the dogs to go away. They were purchased for a good purpose but with our current circumstances, they need to be with people who can love them and let them be dogs. They are full bred and are up to date on everything. The sooner we can find them homes, the better.
Duke and Daisy are in Bakersfield. Their family did the right thing and contacted their breeder before reaching out to us. Their breeder (Randy Betancourt of Randy’s Rad Weims) was unable to take the dogs back. Please reach out via email us if you are able to foster or adopt them. Thank you!
some people aren’t the greatest with their words. I’m going to choose to believe they had good intentions by it.
me too but the owner sounds so angry. Please keep together. Kind of like needed to dispose of trash. Sad
could educate its followers on on responsible breeders vs non-responsible breeders since so many think this is ok.
Yes, this.
friend are you able or know anyone able to take in these babies!!!
Who has a right to blame the breeder really, Mike. No one knows the circumstances of the breeders current situation. Thank you for your post!
and had 0 problems with my Weim. She’s the biggest lap dog you’ll find. A gentle giant if you will. I can’t imagine something like that happening. Sorry to hear, but I have nothing but positive feedback from all of Randy’s Pawrents and how much they’re loving and appreciating their babies.
well said…
Super! Shoot us an email at hello@CalWEAR.org and we’ll connect you.
and they all are the best dogs.