“I’ve had Florence with me now for almost a week. She can’t be in the same part of the house as my others because she’s still coughing from being at the Baldwin Park shelter, so we spend time together when I’m doing chores in the barn or out on the driveway. I spent an hour cleaning out the WEIMBUS today while Florence sat on the driveway and soaked in the sun. She stood up to have me pet her forehead every time I passed her. Even though I have a GPS tracking collar on her in case she wanders off, she has decided that she will never be more than 15 yards away from me. So we really don’t even need it. Just a few short days and I’m already her person. To the family who dumped her; I am at a loss as to why. To the family who wants her, you’re in for a treat. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch her for you.”
- Florence’s foster mom