A special message from Team CalWEAR: To everyone who transported a dog, fostered a dog, adopted a dog, helped with intake, assisted with placement, donated a crate, bought a bag of food, printed out “found dog” flyers, left money with our veterinarians or otherwise spread the word about our rescue in 2014, THANK YOU.
By the numbers:
- 1,924: Miles driven to transport dogs
- 17: Weimaraners who came through our doors
- 12: Happy adoptions
- 6: Veterinarians and specialists who assisted us with their expertise
- 1: Reunion of a lost dog with her family
- Countless: Late night phone calls and correspondence about emergency intakes, hours spent to retrieve dogs, and days, weeks, and months to rehabilitate and place dogs
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for such a successful 2014. And here’s to some more good work in 2015. We can’t do what we do without your help.
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